He is investigating the impact of intervention strategy (like testing, isolation, etc.) to mitigate the spread of infectious disease in the mobility network. He has also designed a neural network-based machine learning tool to predict COVID-2019 cases. Currently, he is trying to understand the stability of large ecological networks, a fresh perspective regarding May’s famous stability work associated with random matrix theory. Recently he has also focused on the structural part of networks: how the underlying symmetry of network controls the collective behaviour.
He is about to submit his thesis.
Sourin is currently pursuing a BS-MS degree (2019-2024) from IISER Kolkata.
He is interested in Mathematical Modelling of Biological Systems. He has knowledge in mathematics, dynamical system theory, cognition and brain science, and systems biology. His recent work along with Dr. Sayantan Nag Choudhury, Prof. Dibakar Ghosh and me on the controlling species density by perturbation with Higher-Order Interaction got accepted in Chaos (In Press). This work highlights his understanding of biological systems and also his ability to integrate with mathematical modelling and vice-versa in terms of logical explanations to the results.
Sanchayan and Ramkrishna are enrolled as B-Math students at ISI-Bengaluru.
They propose a model based on continuous random walks, how the entire process of birth, reproduction, and death might impact the searching process. The simulation is performed in ecosystem in which the post-reproductive foragers leave their colonies to discover where the targets are, while others stay and breed at the base. Particularly it has been observed that the relocation to the new position depends on the agreement level of the species as well as an additional waiting time due to this agreement level.
Rahil is Bachelor of Mathematics(B.Math) at Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, India.
He works on complex network representation of Natural Numbers.